Monday, December 1, 2008

FIT Team Project

I just wanted to note that my FIT team members are fabulous!  Everyone has done a great job of updating each other on what we are working on.  We decided to split up the project amongst us so that it would be easier to manage.  Lisa decided to take on the brief overview of the current learning environment.  Pasha and Amy are working on suggestions for improvements and justifications for such improvements.  I'm tackling modifying 2 activities that are currently in place.  Each of us will create at least one new activity.  I believe everyone is happy with the sections they are working on and so far, the communication between all of us is running smoothly.  I kind of wish there was some sort of conflict so I could have more to discuss in this blog ; )  But since there isn't, I will discuss why I think this group is working so well together. Of course, keep in mind that this is only from my perspective - I don't want to put words in my members' mouths.
1) Each of us seems to be highly motivated to finish this project.  I believe this is because we have been working with IVHS the whole semester.  We've been immersed in the course and each of us have most likely been making notes here and there on what the course could add or modify to make the course even better. I know that I've been itching to get these things down on paper!
2) Of course all of us have been taking the fabulous class of IT7130 where Dr. Zhang has clearly laid out problems that can occur with online learning. Because of this, I think the team has purposely analyzed IVHS in such a way that we are specifically looking for these problems to occur.  This has helped us pinpoint specific areas the course could improve on to try to prevent these problems from occurring. 
3) Again, because of what we've learned in IT7130 I think our team understands the importance of communication. Thus, each of us have e-mailed each other in a timely manner and each of us have made sure the messages in our e-mails are clear and understandable.  This has helped us work on the project efficiently and effectively!

I would like to conclude by stating how this project has been a great learning experience.  The concepts/theories discussed in IT7130 would have been more difficult to grasp if we hadn't been able to observe an actual online course.  Observing the IVHS course allowed me to apply these concepts/theories and helped me understand the process of online learning in general.    

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